Chirurgische schattenlose Lampe--en

Average lifespan of light bulbs:


Bulb power:


Optimum mounting height:




input power:


Supply voltage:

220v±22V 50HZ±1HZ

Working radius:


Operating radius:


Temperature rise in operating area:


Surgeon headtemperature rise:


colorepoduction index RA:


Color rendering index CRI:


Illumination depth:


Surgical Shadowless Lamp 700+500 ist ein leistungsstarkes medizinisches Gerät mit einzigartigen Spezifikationen, das schattenlosen Effekt und präzise Helligkeits- und Farbtemperaturregelung durch fortschrittliche optische Technologie erzielt und eine klare und gleichmäßige Beleuchtung für die Chirurgie bietet


In terms of lighting effect, it adopts advanced optical technology. Multiple light sources are distributed on the lamp panel, and a carefully designed reflection and refraction system achieves a shadowless effect. Even if the doctor's hands and instruments frequently move during the surgery, it can effectively avoid the generation of shadows and provide a clear and unobstructed view for the surgical operation.
In terms of brightness, the surgical shadowless lamp 700+500 has a powerful and adjustable brightness output. It can be precisely adjusted to the appropriate brightness level according to the type and location of the surgery, as well as the ambient lighting in the operating room, ensuring sufficient illumination intensity without causing visual fatigue or eye irritation to the patient.
The control of color temperature is also very precise. A color temperature close to natural light can truly present the color and details of human tissue, helping doctors accurately diagnose the condition and perform fine operations.

Medizinisches chirurgisches Licht, Operationsraum LED schattenloses Licht, doppelköpfiges chirurgisches schattenloses Licht, kosmetische plastische Chirurgie, Mundhöhle chirurgische Lampe Chirurgie Lampe Chirurgie Licht